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Hot Chocolate and Cacao Nib Whipped Cream

The temperature outside is quickly dropping and winter is just around
the corner.  Yesterday was cookie day and it was a balmy 34° while I
was selling.  My fingers were near frozen, practically icicles.  It also snowed this
past week and our grass held on to the first dusting of snow (at
least for a few hours) which sent me in full hot chocolate
mode.  Every year around this time I break out my white hot
chocolate mug and enjoy a really hot (like almost burn your tongue hot)
cup of hot chocolate after my kiddies are tucked in bed.  I love it so
much (especially with the new addition).

So what's this new addition?  I'm so excited to tell you.  Yesterday while
eating lunch I was listening to a podcast where the subject was cacao
nibs.  Just a few weeks ago I purchased three
packages of cacao nibs from Amazon (have I mentioned that I really love
Amazon) and those nibs were calling out from my pantry to be
used.  During the podcast they mentioned a cacao nib infused
whipped cream and a cacao nib sable cookie and within moments I had
cream and cacao nibs in a small saucepan heating on my stove and some butter,
sugar and eggs mixing in my kitchen aid.  Sometimes I can't help myself
and I get impatient and need to make something the moment I hear about
it.  Well I'm very happy to say that this cacao nib infused whipped
cream has made my cup of hot chocolate even more dreamy and
delicious.  Often when reading (or in this case listening) about a recipe I become
impatient and have to make the recipe right then.  My impatience paid
off this time (being impatient doesn't usually fare so well).  I love that
the cream is unsweetened and has bitter undertones, it really
is the perfect partner for my cup of hot chocolate.

Cacao Nib Whipped Cream

1 cup heavy cream

1/3 cup roasted cacao nibs

Place heavy cream and cacao nibs in a small saucepan and bring to a
boil.  Remove from heat and cover.  Let steep for 30-40 minutes. 
Set a strainer over a bowl and pour cream/cacao nib mixture through the
strainer, pressing on the solids to extract the liquid.  Discard the cacao
nibs.  Chill the cream for several hours or until very cold.  Just before
serving, whip the cream to your desired consistency.  Serve on top of your
favorite hot chocolate (this is
mine) along with a sprinkle of cacao nibs.  Perfect!

Recipe adapted from SCHARFFEN BERGER

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